The Desert Caballeros Western Museum offers many opportunities for volunteers of all ages to get involved, whether it’s helping with admissions, the museum stores,programs and events, or administrative duties. After an application, interview process, and orientation, volunteers can begin working in several different capacities within the Museum. Volunteers are required to purchase a discounted museum volunteer membership.
Admissions Desk
The admissions volunteer greets guests, takes admissions fees and gives out information about the Museum. Positions are available in the Museum and in the Cultural Crossroads Learning Center.
After intensive training, docents give public tours during the season on Fridays and Saturdays and scheduled tours during the year.
Gallery Guides
Gallery guides are stationed in the galleries to answer questions and offer information that will enhance the visitor’s experience in the exhibitions.
Museum Store & Ranch Dressing
Store volunteers are responsible for interacting with the Museum guests in a positive way and providing information about the Museum’s programs, services, volunteer opportunities and membership. They are knowledgeable about the products and handle sales transactions.
Other Opportunities
Exhibition installation, photography. artifact cataloging, library, carpentry, maintenance & housekeeping, word processing and data entry, mailings, special events, education program assistants, trustees, museum committees and more. For those interested in becoming a docent, a specialized training session is scheduled to begin in October of each year.
Looking for a new Adventure? Come join our volunteer family! For more information, call the Visitor Services Manager, Tarah at 928-684-2272 or e-mail treed@westernmuseum.org.
Become a Volunteer: Click here to apply!
Or click here to print the Volunteer application
Current Volunteers: Click here to access the Online Management System